Closing Cruise to Aberdour

Published 07:52 on 25 Sep 2024
On Saturday 21st September we had our Closing Cruise to Aberdour.
We left Cramond around 3pm and a cool north-easterly force 4 gave us an excellent sail across the firth. Four yachts took part: Pegasus II, Scherzo, Innisfallen and Stravaig.
Once the boats were all safely secured in Aberdour harbour the crews got together on Alan Hampson's lovely Stravaig for a few refreshments before we headed to the Aberdour Hotel for a meal. After a very enjoyable evening in the Aberdour Hotel some of us headed back to Pegasus II for a nightcap!
Sunday dawned cool and grey and with a force 3 north-easterly breeze which allowed a gentle broad reach back to Cramond. Many thanks to Aberdour Boat Club for our warm welcome and to our very hard working Sailing Secretary Chris Callender for making all the arrangements.