The Cramond Boat Club is located at the mouth of the River Almond at Cramond, only 4 miles from the centre of Edinburgh.
Cramond has a long and fascinating history as a port, the earliest recorded use being by the Romans. A fine example of a Roman fort was discovered at Cramond in the 1950s. The River Almond was used in conjunction with the iron trade in the 18th and 19th centuries, importing iron and exporting nails all over Europe.
The clubhouse is situated on the quayside by the mouth of the River Almond. On the ground floor there are changing rooms with showers and toilets, including a separate accessible toilet/shower room. On the first floor there is a lounge bar with panoramic views over the moorings and the Firth of Forth, and a function hall with kitchen. The facilities also include a workshop and boat sheds for the Club rescue boats and members' tenders.
There is accessible access to all parts of the clubhouse.
The Club lays moorings for around 40 keelboats in the mouth of the River Almond, and has an enclosed dinghy park with space for around 40 dinghies. Visiting yachts can lie alongside at the quay wall (which may dry out at low water) and visitors are given the use of the Club facilities.
The quayside is a public footpath, not a highway, and can be very busy with walkers, cyclists, children and dogs. Members are asked to drive with extreme care, giving other users right of way.
Only the gravelled area next to the clubhouse is leased by the Club and approved for car parking. Members should obtain a parking permit from the bar (price £1) and should not park in front of the tenders immediately to the north of the clubhouse nor block access to the slipway or ladders.
The Club's magazine, "The Seagull" is issued on a regular basis, usually quarterly. This contains news and information about events in the Club as well as articles of interest from members.
The Club maintains group email lists for easy communication with all members, dinghy sailors and keelboat sailors. If a member is not receiving emails from these groups, please contact the Membership Secretary.
Code of conduct
It is the policy of Cramond Boat Club that all members, their families and friends, and visitors show respect and understanding for each other, and treat everyone equally within the context of all the Club's boating and social activities. Inappropriate language, intimidation, aggressive behaviour, or lack of respect for others and their property, represent potential grounds for exclusion from the Club.
All participants involved with Club training activities, including trainees, parents of young trainees and instructors, are expected to adhere fully to the personal conduct policy set out for the training programmes.