Busy Saturday

Published 21:34 on 1 Sep 2024
On Saturday 31 August our dinghy sailors enjoyed an excellent Free Sail and in a fresh north easterly breeze with sunshine! It was a busy day at the Club as at the same time we also had a L1/2 candidate completing some parts of the training course during the free sail, Windsurfer training on the east beach, a CBC cruiser race taking place and a visit from the Forth Corinthian Yacht Club with twelve yachts attending a BBQ we were hosting on their behalf.
As always with all these events there were a raft of club volunteers helping. Thanks to Paul Rogers, Darren Smith, Finlay Taylor, James Kistruck, Rob Mendes da Costa, Alan Mackenzie and Lewis Bright for instruction and safety cover for the Windsurfing course. To Lawrie Elliott for instruction in the L1/2 course and to Pavol Mraz and Campbell Calder for safety cover for the Free Sail and L1/2.
Thanks also to Leonie Griffin, Janice Kerrisk and Julie in the bar for taking care of our guests so well and providing an excellent BBQ. And, finally to our very hard working sailing secretary Chris Callender for all his organisation and liaison for the above.