Dinghy Cruise to Aberdour

Published 09:49 on 19 Sep 2023
A new and very exciting development in the club this year has been the forming of a Dinghy Cruising Group and on Saturday 16 September the final cruise of the season was from Cramond to Aberdour. The main organiser for this was our very own Dinghy Park Convener, Paul Sizeland but Paul unfortunately missed out due to a trolley failure - Wayfarers are very heavy boats to move without a trolley! In the north easterly force four to five the intrepid duo of Leonie Griffin & Janice Kerrisk set sail in their Wanderer along with visiting cruiser David Atkinson sailing his beautiful home built Jimmy Skiff II a Chesapeak Light Craft design.
By all accounts conditions were very lively mid firth but both boats made it safely to Aberdour where they received excellent hospitality from Aberdour Sailing Club. Sundays return journey was much more benign although a little damp in the rain! Later we plan to post a full report on this and some other cruising activities. Well done to all involved in our cruising team.