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Sailing Books


A collection of second-hand pilot books, sailing directions, tidal atlases and other nautical books, in varying conditions.

They were owned by former member Maurice Williams who cruised extensively in Scotland, England and Europe. Many of the books have his own annotations.

The books are available individually or as a job lot, for a donation to the club.

- Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas North coast of Ireland and West coast of Scotland
- Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas Firth of Clyde and Approaches
- Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas Lyme Bay
- Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas Falmouth to Padstow
- Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas Falmouth to Teignmouth
- Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas Irish Sea and Bristol Channel
- The Mariners Handbook 5th Edition
- West Coast of Scotland Pilot 11th Edition
- Admiralty Symbols and Abbreviations (chart 5011)
- Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions West Coast of Scotland (amended to 1981)
- Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions North and North East Coasts of Scotland (amended to 1993)
- Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions Outer Hebrides (amended to 1996)
- Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions Outer Hebrides (amended to 1993)
- Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions Orkney (amended to 1997)
- Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions Shetland (amended to 1997)
- Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions Firth of Clyde (amended to 1997)
- Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions Kintyre to Ardnamurchan (amended to 1996)
- Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions Ardnamurchan to Cape Wrath (amended to 1997)
- Clyde Cruising Club Additions and Amendments to Sailing Directions
- Irish Cruising Club Sailing Directions East and North Coasts of Ireland (amended to 1993)
- Irish Cruising Club Sailing Directions South and West Coasts of Ireland (amended to 1987)
- Yachtsmans Pilot to the West Coast of Scotland Crinan to Canna by Martin Lawrence
- Yachtsmans Pilot to the Skye and Northwest Scotland by Martin Lawrence
- Lundy and Irish Sea Pilot
- Cruising Notes Faroe, Iceland and Greenland
- Crossing the Thames Estuary – 68 routes with passage plans 2nd Edition by Roger Gaspar
- Cruising Guide to the Netherlands 3rd Edition
- The Which Guide to Harbours and Marinas (English Channel)
- Coastal Marrina and Harbour Guide Ramsgate to Poole
- West Country Cruising 3rd Edition by Mark Fishwick
- Pilot Pack 1 Charts and Pilotage Notes Great Yarmouth to Littlehampton, Ijmiuiden to Carentan
- Pilot Pack 3 Charts and Pilotage Notes Bridport to the Scilly Isles, Le Légué to Ushant
- Through the French Canals 9th Edition by Philip Bristow
- How to Install a New Diesel Engine by Peter Cumberlidge
- French Pilot Volume 3 Raz de Sein to Belle Ile
- Forth & Clyde Canal Skipper’s Guide
- Moray Firth Dolphins

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